Modify VATTSAudioReplacement-template for InformaCast

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Modify VATTSAudioReplacement-template for InformaCast

Postby tjm0852 » Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:22 pm

So I was able to modify the script to use the voice I have purchased. However I am unable to modify the text to speak anything other than "undefined".

I have tried to change undefined in the script here: if( messageInfo.details == undefined ){ to if( messageInfo.details == Test ){ or even if( messageInfo.details == "test" ){ but with no success. I save the file and reload it and update the script but no success.

Is there someplace else in this section of the script I should be changing?

// This function creates the text to read, concatenating the short and long text as necessary
buildMessageText = function( incl ){
if( incl == "both" ){
if( messageInfo.details == undefined ){
// Read only short text, long text is empty
return( messageInfo.shortText );
} else {
// Read both the short text (shortText) and long text (details)
return( messageInfo.shortText + ", " + messageInfo.details );
} else if( incl == "short" ){
return( messageInfo.shortText );
} else if( incl == "long" ){
return( messageInfo.details );
} else { "VATTSAudioReplacement: textToInclude must be set to both, short or long (it is " + incl );

The ultimate goal is to receive text from BlackBoard Connect and dynamically update the spoken words to be played on Cisco IP Phones via InformaCast. But first I need to get it to say something other than undefined.

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Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:14 pm

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