How Can I Replace Mac OS X

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How Can I Replace Mac OS X

Postby tinkudi » Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:55 am

How Can I Replace Mac OS X for My Mac With a Linux Distribution? I have Mac OS X and I like it OK, but I want to have a dual boot and transition to Linux. How would I buy a Linux distribution for Mac hardware. This seems to me to be a much more secure solution.
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install Debian

Postby sharamun » Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:02 pm

You don't need to buy anything. Debian is the most portable and best operating system out there and is free. The only reason I see people using Mac OS X or Windows is because they either don't know any better, or they have a need for a platform that supports high-end graphics for video editing, VR simulation or games.
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