"This voice cannot be played" for Miguel voice on WinXP SP3

Voices won't install properly on your system?

"This voice cannot be played" for Miguel voice on WinXP SP3

Postby emiliano.orlando » Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:05 pm

I'm having an issue.. I just installed the demo version for Miguel (spanish voice), and then I try to set it as the windowsXP SP3 system's default (from speech menu), but I get:
"This voice cannot be played. Try another...". I just tried Alejandra.. same problem...

It's important to mention that I hear the voices from SwiftTalker properly, but NOT from the cepstral speech tools (I press test voice, but nothing happens).

I hope someone could help me :D


PS: I keep writting support messages from cepstral page, but I never receive the notification in my mailbox (or the spam folder) so I don't get a ticket number... problem...
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